attempting to display an element using jQuery that belongs to the identical class

I have multiple buttons with the class .modif, each with a different title attribute such as title="one". All these buttons are associated with boxes that share the class .box_slide. However, I am trying to display only the box that also has the additional class .box_one and hide the rest of the boxes while retaining their shared class .box_slide.

The issue is that currently all the boxes are hidden when clicked. Can someone suggest a more effective approach to achieve this?

$('.modif').click(function (){    
    var title = $(this).attr('title'); 
    $('.box_' + title).show();

Answer №1

The description states that the title is "box_one", but in the code, it is written as

 $('.box_' + title).show();

This will result in "box_box_one"

This inconsistency might be causing the issue.

The corrected code should be:

$('' + title).show();

Answer №2

I recommend updating

$('.box_' + title).show();

to this:

$('.box_slide[title=box_' + title + ']').show();

Answer №3

To display all elements with a class that starts with box_ and hide a specific one, you can utilize the

Attribute Starts With Selector \[name^="value"\]
in jQuery:

$('.modif').click(function (){    

Answer №4

Based on my interpretation of your inquiry, the solution below is likely to be effective

$('.modify').on('click', function (){    
    var topic = $(this).attr('data-topic'); 
    $('.panel #' + topic).show();

Answer №5

Implement this.

$('.modify').on('click', function (){    
    var title = $(this).attr('title'); 
    $('.box_' + title ).show();

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