What is the best way to retrieve the border-color inline style using jQuery?

I have a HTML tag like this.

<span id="createOrderFormId:accountNo" style="border-color: red;"><</span>

To retrieve the style value for the border-color property, I tried using the following jQuery code:

$( document ).ready(function() {
       var color = $('#createOrderFormId:accountNo').css('border-color');

However, it's not displaying any output. Can someone please assist me with this issue?

Answer №1

Make sure to properly escape the colon in your selector.

Check out the Live Demo here

$( document ).ready(function() {
   var color = $('#createOrderFormId\\:accountNo').css('border-color');

To include special characters like !"#\$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^`{|}~ in your selector, you need to escape them using two backslashes: \. For example, if you have an element with id="foo.bar", you would select it as $("#foo\.bar"). Make sure to refer to the W3C CSS specification for more details on valid selectors. Check this Reference.

Edit Instead of jQuery, you can also access the borderColor property using native JavaScript methods. You can retrieve the DOM object from a jQuery object by using .get() or indexing. Alternatively, you could use getElementById with the escape character, which worked for me in firefox.

View the updated Live Demo

$( document ).ready(function() {   
    alert( $('#createOrderFormId\\:accountNo')[0].style.borderColor);

Answer №2

In case Firefox is not functioning properly, consider obtaining the separate border sides.

For instance:

 var color = $('#createOrderFormId\\:accountNo').css('border-top-color');

Answer №3

Everything looks good here, but there is one thing to note - the span with id createOrderFormId:accountNo has a double colon ":" which may cause confusion in jQuery selectors. In jQuery, the colon denotes a type of element and not an entire string as an id. If you remove the double colon, it should work correctly for you.

For more information on jQuery selectors, you can visit: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/jquery/jquery-selectors.htm

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