Tips on adjusting the text color of the material radio button

Looking for some assistance here. I'm working with a small piece of code that combines Material UI and Angular. I have a radio button group where the text color is not changing, despite setting the SCSS value to #262D34.

<mat-radio-group aria-label="Select an option" style="display: flex; flex-direction: column">
   <mat-radio-button value="1" class="radio_button">
     Roman Dyshko
   <mat-radio-button value="2" class="radio_button">
     Roman Dyshko

.radio_button {
   font-family: 'Work Sans', serif;
   font-style: normal;
   font-weight: 400;
   font-size: 14px;
   line-height: 150%;
   text-decoration-line: underline;
   color: #556EE6;

mat-radio-group mat-radio-button .radio_button {
  color: #556EE6;

Answer №1

If you are looking to fully customize the styling of specific components, using ::ng-deep is necessary. An example would be:

::ng-deep mat-radio-group mat-radio-button .radio_button {
  color: #556EE6;

The above code snippet demonstrates how to target and style components effectively.

Enhanced Solution

To further enhance the customization of radio buttons, consider implementing the following CSS styles:

  .mat-radio-outer-circle {
  border-color: blue; /*Change the color of the radio button when selected*/

::ng-deep .mat-radio-button.mat-accent .mat-radio-inner-circle {
  background-color: red; /*Modify the inner circle color of the radio button*/

::ng-deep .mat-radio-outer-circle {
  border: 1px solid black; /*Adjust the border color of unchecked radio buttons*/

::ng-deep .mat-radio-button.mat-accent .mat-radio-ripple .mat-ripple-element {
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important; /*Update the click effect color*/

Note: The use of !important is recommended in situations where overriding styles is essential.

Answer №2

To customize the default style, you can use ::ng-deep. This feature is deprecated and may change the color application wide, so proceed with caution like so:

::ng-deep mat-radio-group mat-radio-button .radio_button {
  color: #556EE6 !important; //<--- not necessary but needed in some cases

Don't forget to include !important (if needed) and restart your terminal if it's active. Re-compile the app to see the changes take effect.

Answer №3

Customizing Material Radio Buttons

Text Color Customization

According to Angular's API, the ng-deep psuedo-class is considered as deprecated and it completely disables view-encapsulation for that particular rule.

Using it without the :host pseudo-class will make the style-rule global, which may not be ideal. This is commonly suggested by Angular when there are no other alternatives available at the moment.

If you want to apply the styles globally, you can simply include them in the styles.scss.

.mat-radio-button {
  color: pink;

Alternatively, if you wish to use a color from your palette:

.mat-radio-button {
  color: mat.get-color-from-palette($primary-light, 400);

However, if you want to apply it specifically to a certain radio-button within some.component.scss, you can utilize ::ng-deep, while ensuring to use the :host pseudo class to prevent the rule from affecting other components:

:host ::ng-deep .mat-radio-button {
  color: #556EE6;

In summary, knowing the correct class names to override is crucial. In some cases like the ripple, the use of !important may be necessary to override the default settings.

The Role of !important

Some individuals prefer to customize the ripple effect with a secondary or off-color. Let's consider that as an example:

.mat-radio-ripple .mat-ripple-element {
  background-color: mat.get-color-from-palette(
  ) !important;

For such scenarios, or any other styles you have already modified in your styles.scss, adding !important becomes essential.

Applying Styles to Select Tags Only

In situations where only select groups/radio-buttons should receive the styling, you can introduce an additional class selector.


    aria-label="Select an option"
    <mat-radio-button color="primary" value="male">Male</mat-radio-button>
    <mat-radio-button value="female">Female</mat-radio-button>


.pink .mat-radio-button {
  color: pink;

Or for customizing just one of the radio buttons:

<div class="pink">
  <mat-radio-button value="female">Female</mat-radio-button>

Dynamic Application of Styling Based on Condition

Another scenario involves applying styles dynamically based on specific conditions.


<div [ngClass]"getClass()">
  <mat-radio-button value="female">Female</mat-radio-button>


getClass(event: Event) {
  if(/* Your conditions */)
    return ['pink']
  return []

Explore on Stackblitz

Feel free to check out a Material Form Example on my Stackblitz account showcasing the concepts mentioned above (and more), along with a Material Theme implementation. In this demo, I've overridden the mat-radio-button globally in styles.scss and also in app.component.scss.

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