Implement a JavaScript function that toggles the visibility of a div based on changes to an anchor tag

My objective is to have the lds-roller div only displayed when the text within the anchor tag with the ID of searchFor is equal to _. This change in text should occur with an HTTP response.

<div class="lds-roller"><div></div><div></div><div>
                      <span class="r"> 
                               <span class="andom">
                                  <a href="{% pageurl post %}#disqus_thread" id="searchFor"> _

The CSS for the lds-roller is outlined below.

.lds-roller {
  display: inline-block;
  position: relative;
  width: 64px;
  height: 64px;

I've attempted various methods, but they either consistently show the div, fail to display it altogether, or make the div disappear before the text has even changed.

The JavaScript function typically follows a structure like this:

$(function () {
   if ($("#searchFor").text() === "_")


Answer №1

To ensure the function is triggered by an event, you'll need to bind it accordingly. In a library like jQuery, this can be achieved with code similar to the following:

    $("body").on('DOMSubtreeModified', "#searchFor", function() {
         if ($("#searchFor").text() === "_") {
         else {


Your current code is currently executing only once during load time, resulting in the div being shown consistently.

Answer №2

To update your JavaScript code, make the following adjustments:

$(function () {
   if ($("#searchFor").text() === "_") {
   } else {

This modification worked perfectly for my scenario.

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