External CSS file for Demandware platform

My boss was supposed to train me this year on demandaware knowledge, but ended up quitting, leaving me in the dark. I am scheduled to attend workshops later this year, but for now I am relying on Google and stackoverflow for guidance. Currently, I am working on editing a content asset and noticed a link to an external CSS sheet at the top of the code. All my previous work involved HTML and CSS on one page, so I'm unsure how to access the external CSS sheet. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Here is what the link looks like:

<link href="test/fitting/css/test-fitting.css?$staticlink$" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Answer №1

If you're looking to link a file from the content library, you can easily access and manage those files in the Import/Export module located within the Content section of Business Manager. In the Import/Export Module, there is a feature to handle content images where you can browse, upload, and delete files as needed. To replace an existing file, simply upload a new one with the same name in the same location.

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