Excess space appearing to the right of the text box in Internet Explorer 9 standards mode and Google Chrome

Looking for help on how to eliminate the space between the right side of an input textbox and a red border? Check out these examples:

IE: http://jsfiddle.net/fQHGA/

<div style="float:left;border:1px solid red">
    <label style="float:left">asdasdfasdff</label>
    <input style="display:block;margin-left:100px">

For IE and Chrome: http://jsfiddle.net/cxDvF/2/

<div style="float:left;border:1px solid red">
        <label style="float:left">asdasdfasdff</label>
        <input style="display:block;margin-left:100px">

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

Answer №1

I find myself repeating the same information over and over again.

For a detailed explanation on floating elements in CSS, visit this tutorial at .

To address your question directly, it is important to set the width of a floated element to avoid inconsistencies across various browsers.

Additionally, if you are experiencing margin issues with default styling on inputs, consider resetting the margins to resolve the issue.


I'm uncertain about the purpose of the example provided in your jsfiddle link. Here are some key observations:

  1. The input tag does not require an ending tag like </input>; it should be self-closing.
  2. Floating inline elements such as labels and inputs may not be necessary as they naturally flow in a line.
  3. If setting a width for floated elements is proving difficult, explore alternative solutions as floating without specifying a width can lead to browser inconsistencies.

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