Compiling a list of products, but the user interface needs some adjustments

Currently, I have designed a product list menu that includes a hover dropdown feature. This means that when a user hovers over a specific menu item, the corresponding list will automatically appear. However, I am facing two issues with this setup. Firstly, I would like to divide the vegetable dropdown menu into three columns for better organization. Secondly, there seems to be a problem with the hover functionality between the vegetable and spices dropdown menus, causing them to shake uncontrollably.

I am struggling to pinpoint the exact cause of these problems and would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving them. To provide a clearer picture of the issue, I have uploaded the code on StackBlitz for review.

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Answer №1

1) In the .column css, adjusting the width to 33% allows for up to 3 columns per row instead of just 2 at a maximum of 50%. This modification can be made in line 57 of the app.component.css file.

2) The reason for the shaking effect is related to the window width changing when hovering over "vegetable," causing the scroll bar to activate. Due to this change, the cursor position may mistakenly interpret being between both "vegetables" and "spices" simultaneously, resulting in an alternating shake effect between drop-down menus.

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