Attempting to replicate a <textarea> to behave like a <div> element

I am currently facing an issue with my HTML and CSS code. I have tried to construct a design using a <div> but it resulted in horizontal scrolling and looked chaotic. How can I make the CSS and HTML look the same without any issues?

<textarea class="textarea_readonly" readonly="readonly" name="mcRemarkOld" rows="7" cols="100" scrolling="auto"></textarea>

    background-color: #DDDDD0;
    margin: 0px;
    width: 100%;

Answer №1

To avoid imitating a div, consider replacing the textarea with JavaScript. Here is an example of how to do this (execute on load):

var textArea = document.getElementsByName("mcRemarkOld")[0];

function convertTextAreaToDiv(element){
    var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
    // Transfer relevant attributes and make adjustments.
    newDiv.className = element.className; =; =; =;
    newDiv.innerHTML = element.innerHTML; 
    element.parentNode.replaceChild(newDiv, element);


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