How can I achieve transparency for an element while it is nested within multiple parent

Is there a clever method to achieve transparency for an element that allows the background of its parent element to shine through and display the body background, for example?

Consider this scenario:

<body style="background: url(space.jpg)">
<div style="background: black;">
<a href="#" style="background:super-transparent;">Click Here!</a>

Even if the parent element has a black background, is it feasible for it to still reflect the body background?

Answer №1

If you want certain elements to have a transparent effect, simply add a specific class to them.

    <a href="#" class="super-transparent">Click Me!</a>

Next, include JQuery in your project and use the following code:

$(".super-transparent").css("background", $("body").css("background-image")).each(function(index, element) {
    var position = $(this).position();
    $(this).css("background-position", "-"+position.left+"px "+"-""px");

You can check out this implementation on JSFiddle:

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