The functionality of onClick or onChange seems to be malfunctioning in the preline user interface select component

I recently integrated the preline UI library into my React project to enhance the design of my website. However, I encountered an issue where using the "select" element with the data-hs-select attribute as suggested by preline UI seemed to cause problems with onChange and onClick events. Strangely, nothing was triggered in the console when these events were fired. Despite this, the selected value was displayed correctly on the browser interface. Interestingly, I was able to retrieve the selected value using useRef or document selector methods.

Even after attempting to solve the issue by using formik field [as='select'], the problem persisted.

        "hasSearch": true,
        "searchPlaceholder": "Search...",
        "searchClasses": ...
      onChange={() => console.log('option clicked')}
      <option value=''>Choose</option>
      <option value='Australia'>Australia</option>
      <option value='Canada'>Canada</option>
      <option value='France'>France</option>
      <option value='Germany'>Germany</option>
      <option value='Italy'>Italy</option>

Answer №1

The onChange event is documented in the official Preline documentation.

For more information, visit Preline Docs

Answer №2

When navigating through inspect mode, the actual options remain hidden while the visible options in the UI are generated div elements with tailwind CSS classes. This causes the onChange method to not be triggered when changing the options.

After exploring a simple solution, here are the steps I discovered:

In your "select" component file,

  1. Add an "id" attribute to the select tag

    <select id='selectId' ... > //your options... </ select>

  2. Ensure to include the HSSelect class at the beginning of the file as well.

    import { HSSelect } from "preline/preline"

  3. Create a useEffect function:

useEffect(() => {
  const loadPreline = async() => {
    const { HSSelect } = (await import("preline/preline"))
    const el = HSSelect.getInstance("#selectId") as HSSelect
    el.on("change", (value: string) => {
}, [])  

Remember to import HSSelect within the loadPreline function. Since this is client-side code, dynamic importing is crucial for proper execution.

When obtaining the instance using HSSelect.getInstance("#selectId") as HSSelect, be sure to explicitly assign it to the HSSelect class from the package "preline/preline". Failure to do so may result in unexpected behavior.

Although it's a belated discovery, I trust this information will prove valuable in future endeavors. Thank you.

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