AngularJS fetches the 'compiled HTML'

If I have this angularjs DOM structure

<div ng-init="isRed = true" 
    ng-class="{'red': isRed == true, 'black': isRed == false}">

    ... content


How can I obtain the 'compiled' version of this on a click event, for instance?

<div class="red">
     ... content

I'm working on an angularjs page that utilizes various ui-bootstrap components and my goal is to extract the raw HTML of the page, then send it to a server where it will be used to generate a .pdf file.

The server will have access to all necessary CSS files.


I attempted to use innerHTML without success.

Answer №1

If you're feeling adventurous, you can attempt a brute-force method:


Here is an example of how you could approach it:

function showHTML() {
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app>
  <input type="text" ng-model="tester" ng-class="{'red': tester==='red'}">
  <p>The inputted value is ***{{tester}}***</p>
<button onclick="showHTML()">Show HTML</button>

Execute the code, enter text into the input field, and observe the ***s in the displayed alert. If you entered "red" in the input field, you'll notice the presence of class="... red".

Answer №2

When working with Angular, the views are compiled based on controller values for bindings. However, unlike some directives, ng-class is not removed from the HTML. This is because Angular continues to monitor and update changes in the scope, ensuring that these updates are reflected in the view. For instance, ng-class="{'red': true}" is compiled into class="red", but the ng-class portion persists within the code.

Answer №3

According to the advice from Souldreamer, it is important to encapsulate the code within Angular's $scope:

function MyCtrl($scope) { 
 $ = 'Superhero';
    $ =function(){
     alert(document.getElementById('my-el').innerHTML); // class="red", and template rendered


To see a live demonstration, visit :

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