Having difficulty implementing a hover event on a sibling element of a target using either the duration parameter in jQuery UI or CSS

My objective is to alter the background color of an element and one of its higher siblings in the DOM but within the same parent upon hover. While I successfully used CSS transition to change the first element, I encountered difficulty getting the sibling to change as well. This led me to explore jQuery UI addClass effect.

I hoped that the following code would achieve the desired outcome since my attempts with CSS were unsuccessful. The aim was to modify both elements on hover:

        $('.circletag').hover(function() {
             $(this).addClass( "red");
             $(this).parent().find('title').addClass('red', 2000);
        }, function() {
            $(this).removeClass('red', 5000);
            $(this).parent().find('title').removeClass('red', 2000);

Although I managed to create a fade effect on the .circletag elements, the .title element did not exhibit any changes.

During hover of .circletag, I wish for the background of both .circletag and .title to change simultaneously over a 2-second period. If achieving this through CSS, which is my preferred method, is not possible, then I would appreciate a jQuery solution.

I am also curious about why the console is displaying:

SyntaxError: syntax error

    .ui-helper-hidden {

Why does the duration not work with the addClass function when using jQuery UI? It's perplexing to me. Additionally, why does removing the class upon mouse exit not take 5 seconds as intended? It appears that the CSS transition rule is dictating the behavior.

In essence, I desire the background of the div with the class .title and .circletag to smoothly fade in and out during hover of .circletag. View jsfiddle here

Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

Here is a suggestion to try:

    $('.circletag').hover(function() {
         $(this).addClass( "red");
         $(this).parent().find('.title').addClass('red', 2000);
    }, function() {
        $(this).removeClass('red', 5000);
        $(this).parent().find('.title').removeClass('red', 2000);

Make sure to specify the class selector in the 'find' function. Let me know if this works for you :)

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

$(this).parent().find('.name').toggleClass('blue', 1500);

Make sure to specify ".name" inside the find() function when targeting a class.

JSBin Link

Let me know if you have any questions!

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