Adding dynamic content to CSS in Next.JS can be achieved by utilizing CSS-in-JS

Currently diving into the world of Next.JS, I've managed to grasp the concept of using getStaticProps to retrieve dynamic data from a headless CMS and integrate it into my JSX templates. However, I'm unsure about how to utilize this dynamic content in my CSS styling. Typically in other static site generators, you can leverage the template engine to embed dynamic content within your CSS like so:

body {
    background: url('{{urlFromMyHeadlesCMS}}')

I've brainstormed a few potential solutions but they all seem somewhat clunky, such as applying styles through JavaScript or resorting to string interpolation with styled components. Is there a more elegant and standard approach to achieve this task within Next.JS? Could this be the perfect opportunity for me to delve into learning SASS once and for all?

Answer №1

Considering something similar to styled-jsx, paired with a method may be well-suited for your requirements.

/* styles.js */
import css from 'styled-jsx/css'

// Global styles
export const body =`body {  background: url('{{urlFromMyHeadlessCMS}}') }`


I can envision a couple of potential strategies, however they seem somewhat makeshift such as defining styles through JavaScript or utilizing styled components string interpolation.

Is there a cleaner, more standard procedure to achieve this in Next.JS?

It is uncertain whether the remarks above rule out my proposed solution, but they could be further addressed if necessary.

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