Safari Version 8.0.2 experiencing issues with fixed positioning

I am currently working on an angular application and I find myself inside a Twitter Bootstrap modal.

My goal is to relocate a button that is located within the body of the modal to the footer of the modal using fixed positioning. This particular button triggers a function unique to the current modal-body scope, and it needs to stay in view regardless of scroll position. The modal-header and modal-footer always remain visible, while the modal-body content scrolls underneath those sections.

Everything behaves as expected when using Chrome.

I have come across various issues others have faced with fixed positioning in Safari, and I have tried implementing workarounds such as:


I have also noticed that removing

transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);

has proven to be helpful in certain scenarios. However, this rule is automatically applied to the bootstrap modal-dialog, so removing it is not feasible for me due to a multitude of misaligned elements that result from its removal.

In addition to these attempts, I have experimented with placing the button inside a parent element with absolute positioning and then with fixed positioning. I also attempted to remove the parent element altogether and place the button directly, but none of these strategies yielded successful results for me.

The CSS:

   position: fixed;
   bottom: 16px;
   left: 605px;
   z-index: 999999;

   /* -webkit-transform:translateZ(10px); failed */ 
   z-index: 999999; 
   width: 100%;
   height: 25px;
   position: absolute; 
   /* position: fixed; */
   top: 0;
   left: 0;



<div class="but-hold">
    <button class="btn btn-warning stickyBut" ng-click="submitProfile()">Save + Continue</button>

Any alternative solutions or suggestions would be greatly appreciated - thank you!

Answer №1

Regrettably, my attempt to resolve this issue using CSS proved futile. Instead, I had to revamp the modal design for each affected modal by eliminating fixed positioned elements and manually duplicating the inner content for all modals in the markup instead of relying on Angular to handle it automatically.

Upon further investigation, I have gained insights into z-index and the stacking context that may potentially be the root cause of the problem.

Each stacking context is anchored to a single HTML element as its root. When a new stacking context is established on an element, it restricts all child elements within a specific position in the stacking order. This implies that if an element is positioned within a stacking context at the lower end of the hierarchy, it cannot appear in front of another element in a different stacking context higher up in the hierarchy, even with a z-index value set to a high number! Phillip Walton Article

Answer №2

I encountered a similar issue where adding position:fixed to a child element within a parent with transform styling did not work as intended. It appears to be a known bug in webkit browsers.

To address this issue, you can either remove the transform property from the parent element or relocate the child element outside of the parent with the transform styling.

This scenario may be suitable for implementing a solution using bootstrap modal functionality.

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