Inheriting Django templates for a unique CSS class markup approach

I want to create a master.html file for inheritance, but I'm facing an issue where the code is repetitive in three different places except for the body class.

Here's my current master.html:

  {% block one %}{% endblock %}
  {% block two %}{% endblock %}
  {% block extra %}{% endblock %}

However, in certain instances, I have: <_body class="front"> <_body class="not_front"> The remaining content such as .js files and images remains the same.

How can I efficiently handle this without having three separate 'master' files?

Answer №1

To create a block within the <body> element, follow this structure:

    <body {% block body_options %}{% endblock %}>
        {% block one %}{% endblock %}
        {% block two %}{% endblock %}
        {% block extra %}{% endblock %}

After that, in your child templates, you can use:

{% extends 'master.html' %}
{% block body_options %}class="front"{% endblock %}

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