Error occurs when SRCSET loads the wrong size because "sizes" parameter is missing

According to the guidelines, when sizes is not specified in the image attribute, the browser should automatically calculate the required size based on CSS rendering.

In this scenario, my image is 300px and the browser should select the 300px image. However, it's opting for the 1024px image instead.

  <div style="width:300px">
      class="attachment-csco-medium-alternative size-csco-medium-alternative wp-post-image"
      srcset="   300w,   380w,   768w,   800w, 1024w, 1160w.          1500w,

Answer №1

It seems that there may be an issue with the way you're utilizing the syntax, particularly with the (Number) w at the conclusion. Have you considered adjusting it to 1X, 2X, or similar values? Additionally, have you experimented with specifying the specific size within the CSS code? Keep in mind that HTML will showcase the image exactly as it is unless you make changes to its attributes.

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