Series of responses cascading from one another

Users are experiencing an issue where the need for adjusting margins based on the depth of responses in posts. Currently, this involves setting a margin-left value of 40px for one level deep reactions and 80px for two levels deep, and so on.

To address this, I want to center the reactions div on the page using the following CSS:
.reactions {margin: 50px auto 0 auto; width: 1100px;}

However, I do not want the width of the page to limit the levels of reactions that can be displayed. Instead, I would like to implement a horizontal scrollbar when necessary.

I am looking for a solution that allows me to set the width of the reactions div to 100%, while still maintaining the centered layout as described above. Any ideas or suggestions?

Answer №1

Uncertain about the structure of your HTML, but one method could be to place the response post within the main post container and apply position: relative along with margin-left: 40px

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