Is there a way for me to modify this carousel so that it only stops when a user hovers over one of the boxes?

I am currently working to modify some existing code to fit my website concept. One aspect I am struggling with is how to make the 'pause' function activate only when a user hovers over one of the li items, preventing the carousel from looping endlessly.

Do you have any suggestions on how this can be accomplished? I have tried different approaches like:

if ($('#element:hover').length != 0) {

However, these attempts do not align with the current code structure. Could someone provide me with guidance on this issue? Thank you.


<div id="carousel-container">
    <div id="carousel-inner">
        <ul id="carousel-ul">


#carousel-container {
    margin:2em auto;
    border:1px solid #ccc;


#carousel-ul {

#carousel-ul li{
    margin:50px 15px 0 15px;


var Carousel = new
function() {

    var wrapper = document.getElementById('carousel-container'),
        timer = null;

    var start = function() {


    var sliding = function() {

        var item_width = $('#carousel-ul li').outerWidth()+10;

        var left_indent = parseInt($('#carousel-ul').css('left'))-item_width;

        },2000,'linear',function() {

            $('#carousel-ul li:last').after($('#carousel-ul li:first'));



    var doCarousel = function() {

        timer = setInterval(sliding,2000);


    var pause = function() {

        timer = null;


    var resume = function() {


this.init = function(){







Answer №1

I successfully implemented the solution.

The modification I made was in changing how the object is declared, and now it functions as intended:

var Carousel = {
    timer :null,
    wrapper: null,
    init : function()
        var self = this;
        this.timer = setInterval(function(){self.sliding();}, 2000);
    sliding : function() {
        var item_width = $('#carousel-ul li').outerWidth() + 10;
        var left_indent = parseInt($('#carousel-ul').css('left')) - item_width;
            'left': left_indent
        }, 2000, 'linear', function() {

            $('#carousel-ul li:last').after($('#carousel-ul li:first');

                'left': '-160px'
        pause : function() {

            this.timer = null;

        resume : function() {


$(function() {
    $('#carousel-ul li').mouseover(function(){ 
        //timer = null;
 $('#carousel-ul li').mouseout(function(){ 

    //timer = null;


Here is the Jsfiddle link for reference:

In general, I prefer not to use JavaScript function for class declaration, opting instead for js object {}, or leveraging the ECMASCRIPT 6 class statement.

Answer №2

Have you attempted a similar approach?

$("#carousel-ul li").mouseenter(function(){ Carousel.stop();});

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