Concealing unnecessary borders on list elements using jQuery

Here is the code I am working with:

I am looking to calculate and eliminate all border edges to achieve this visual effect:

Answer â„–1

Update: I stumbled upon a clever workaround that allows the solution to function smoothly across various web browsers, including older versions of IE.


In addition to my initial solution, I included the following code:

table {

table td {
    border: 1px solid black;

There are two ways to achieve this effect in CSS:

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
table td {
    border: 1px solid black;
table tr:first-child td {
    border-top: 0;
table tr:last-child td {
    border-bottom: 0;
table tr td:first-child{
    border-left: 0;
table tr td:last-child,
    border-right: 0;

Alternatively, you can achieve the desired result by setting the table frame="void"

<table border="1" frame="void">

Answer â„–2

Employed a for loop to accomplish this task:

var total = $("ul li").size();

$().ready(function () {
    for( i=2; i < total ; i+=3){
        $('ul li:nth-child(' + i + ')').each(function(n) {
                'border-right': '1px solid #000',
                'border-bottom': '1px solid #000',
                'border-left': '1px solid #000'

    j = total;
    k = total - 3;
    for( j=total ; j > total-3; j--){
        $('ul li:nth-child(' + j + ')').each(function(n) {
                'border-bottom': 'none'

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