Exploring the ins and outs of webpage loading speed

I am working on writing JavaScript code that includes a button to open a webpage of my choice. I now want to understand how to detect when the page I called is finished loading.

Any suggestions or ideas on this topic?

I apologize if my explanation was not clear. Essentially, I am trying to call another webpage from my own and determine its loading time.

Hopefully I have explained my issue clearly. Can anyone assist me with this?

Answer №1

If you're unsure about your inquiry, utilizing Firebug for Firefox along with ySlow extensions can provide valuable insights into page and JavaScript load times.

Answer №2

element, a suggestion is provided for tracking page load timing. One method suggested is to incorporate a timer within the code snippet below:
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
open_webpage(); // Conduct necessary actions that need to be timed
var timeTaken = startTime - new Date().getTime();

Answer №3

Uncertain about your request. Are you looking to measure the page load time in javascript? If so, consider checking out Steve Souders' episodes. Alternatively, for browser performance analysis, YSlow could be helpful.

If you need confirmation when a page is fully loaded, you could implement an ajax request post-load using jQuery (not my forte in coding).

$(document).ready(function() {

Answer №4

By implementing jQuery, you can easily determine when the ajax content has finished loading:

  url: "ajaxPage.html",
  complete: function({
    alert("The ajax content has been successfully loaded!");

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