Troubling inconsistency in jQuery's .css function performance

I'm facing a problem with the jquery .css function. I am using it to retrieve the actual height of elements that have their height set to auto. The code I am currently using is as follows:

$(this).css({ height: $(this).css("height"), width: $(this).css("width") });

The issue arises when the .css function sometimes returns "0px", sometimes "auto", and other times the actual height (which is the expected behavior). Can someone please point out what I might be doing incorrectly in this case?

Answer №1

When using $(this).css("height"), you are accessing a specified (or default) value, whereas $(this).height() will give you the actual, measured height of an element.

As stated on

This method retrieves the current computed height of the first matched element or sets the height for all matched elements.

Similarly, from

This function retrieves the value of a specific style property for the initial matched element or specifies one or more CSS properties for each item in the selection.

Answer №2

Using $(this).css("height") retrieves the specified value of the CSS property height.

If you need to acquire the actual height of the element, use $(this).height().

Answer №3

The purpose of the provided snippet may not be clear, but a better approach would be to utilize jQuery in a manner that is compatible across different browsers:

$(this).css({ height: $(this).height(), width: $(this).width() });

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