Understanding the Intrinsic Dimensions of Replaced Elements in CSS

I'm currently facing some challenges with the CSS Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing Module Level 3, specifically chapter 4.1 on Intrinsic Sizes.

This section is proving to be quite difficult for me:

When a block-level or inline-level replaced element has its height or width set to auto, it essentially uses its max-content size (CSS2§10.3.2)...

Background and Inquiry:

  • The term "max content size" refers to shrink-to-fit within an infinite containing block.
  • This means no soft wrap opportunities are considered, allowing the element to reach its maximum size without any forced adjustments with properties.
  • I can't seem to find this specific behavior outlined in CSS2§10.3.2 for elements where only one dimension is set to auto.
  • In fact, CSS2§10.3.2 doesn't address a scenario where an element has only one dimension as auto and lacks intrinsic size or aspect ratio (as indicated by the "OR" in the quoted text above).
  • Which part of CSS2§10.3.2 is being referenced here?

Answer №1

The concept of 'auto' width is detailed in section 10.3.2, which explains:

... if the 'width' property has a computed value of 'auto', while the 'height' property has a different computed value, and the element possesses an intrinsic ratio; then the actual value for 'width' will be:

(used height) * (intrinsic ratio)

The scenario where 'auto' height comes into play is discussed separately in section 10.6.2, stating:

... if the 'height' property has a computed value of 'auto', and the element exhibits an intrinsic ratio, then the calculated value for 'height' becomes:

(used width) / (intrinsic ratio)

Lastly, when both height and width are set to 'auto', with no intrinsic dimensions but an intrinsic ratio present, section 10.3.2 addresses this by indicating:

In situations where 'height' and 'width' are both computed as 'auto' and the element features an intrinsic ratio but lacks intrinsic height or width, the final result for 'width' is undefined within CSS 2.2.

This guideline is further elaborated in css-sizing 4.1, specifying:

this specification applies the rules above to the ambiguous scenario of a replaced element with both height and width set as auto.

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