Using Tailwind CSS to set the margin of an element at certain breakpoints is not functioning as expected

I attempted to customize the margin of a div element at specific screen sizes by using a {screen}: prefix, but it did not have the desired effect. Here is what I tried:

<div className={'flex justify-center'}>
  <div className={'w-full my-8 sm:my-20 md:my-48'}>
    <div {...props}>

Upon inspecting, I noticed that only the my-8 class seemed to be working correctly.

All classes from Tailwind, including flex for responsiveness, function as expected. However, the responsive margin (padding) does not seem to apply. My project utilizes Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

Answer №1

Apologies, but I managed to solve the issue on my own. The problem was related to the tailwind config settings.

Since this project was not created from scratch, I didn't have the opportunity to review the configuration initially.

I was able to resolve it by adjusting the margin variant as follows:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  variants: {
    // ...
-     margin: ['hover'],
+     margin: ['responsive', 'hover'],


UPDATE 11/2021

In November 2021, Tailwind introduced version 3.0 with significant changes.

One of the notable changes is the removal of the variants section from your tailwind.config.js file.


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