What exactly is the significance of "utilizing a universal class name"?

In my current project, I am utilizing Material-UI version 3.1.2 to create the interface.

Previously, when I was using Bootstrap4, I included

style="overflow-y: scroll; height: 100%"
in my head tag to ensure a scrollbar is always present, preventing the application from moving erratically when the page content exceeded the screen size.

However, with Material-UI, this overflow setting seems to cause issues when interacting with popup components such as poppers and menus.

Taking guidance from the FAQ, it mentions a known problem along with a solution: https://material-ui.com/getting-started/faq/#why-do-the-fixed-positioned-elements-move-when-a-modal-is-opened-

Yet, I am uncertain about the instructions provided regarding "apply a global class."

"Apply a global .mui-fixed class name ... to handle those elements."

Should I add mui-fixed to all components within my app? Or specifically to the anchor of the menu/popper? Alternatively, should I apply it at a higher level in the React page component hierarchy?

As a temporary fix, I have removed the overflow styling from my html element. Despite the issue with content shifting with changes in size, it appears less disruptive compared to when I utilized Bootstrap.

Experimenting further, I attempted adding the mui-fixed class to my body element:

<body style="overflow-y: scroll; height: 100%" class="mui-fixed">

This approach ensures a disabled scrollbar on shorter pages while enabling it as the content grows.

During display of the menu popup, Material-UI alters the style to:

<body style="overflow: hidden; height: 100%; padding-right: 17px;" class="mui-fixed">

Resulting in a seamless appearance regardless of content length. However, upon dismissal of the menu, Material-UI modifies the body element to:

<body style="height: 100%; padding-right: 0px;" class="mui-fixed">

The scrollbar is then removed if the content does not exceed the window size, causing the content to shift abruptly to compensate for the missing scrollbar.

Answer №1

If my understanding is correct, this code applies the scrollbar globally just once.

Answer №2

To make global styles changes in your styles.ts, include the following code:

    '@global': {
      '.custom-global-style': {
        // Your custom global styles here

Your changes will now be applied globally!

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