`I am facing issues with class binding in Vue 3 when using SwiperJS`

Currently, I am working with Vue 3 along with swiperjs.

I have encountered a problem related to the v-bind:class behavior in my project.

The issue arises when transitioning to the second slide, where the !h-auto class does not get applied as expected. Strangely, when moving back to the first slide, the class is applied to the second slide instead of being applied while on the second slide. This discrepancy occurs because the second element adjacent to the image in the second slide has more height than the image itself.

The desired outcome is for the !h-auto class to be applied whenever the second element next to the image in the slide is taller than the image. This should align with how the

v-bind:class="{ '!h-auto': isDescriptionTaller(index) }"
logic works.

Check out the code on CodeSandbox


I have shared the sandbox link in hopes that someone can help resolve the issue and enhance the code for future reference.

Answer №1

What an interesting problem we have here.

The class is dynamically set based on the result of the isDescriptionTaller(index) function:

  :class="{ '!h-auto': isDescriptionTaller(index) }"

This function compares the height of a div with the height of another column, and if the second column is taller, it stretches the column by adding a specific class to it.

The issue arises when the class is active because both columns end up having the same height, causing the condition in isDescriptionTaller(index) to evaluate as false. As a result, the class is removed, making the second column taller again, triggering the class to be added once more. This cycle continues endlessly.

To resolve this, you can modify the condition in isDescriptionTaller(index) to check for greater or equal height instead:

const isDescriptionTaller = (index) => {
  return description?.clientHeight >= image?.clientHeight ?? false;

With this change, the class remains even when the columns share the same height.

You may want to reconsider whether removing the class is necessary at all. If the image is taller, leaving the class should not cause any issues.

If you prefer applying the class only when the image is shorter than the text, consider checking the naturalHeight of the image instead of its client height:

const isDescriptionTaller = (index) => {
  const description = document.querySelector(`#description-event-${index}`);
  const image = document.querySelector(`#image-event-${index} img`); // <--- target the image

  return description?.clientHeight >= image?.naturalHeight ?? false; // <--- use image height

Remember that until the image source is loaded, its dimensions will be 0. If you are using the same image on both slides, you may encounter this issue only the first time the app loads. Consider utilizing the onload event or finding a CSS workaround that doesn't rely heavily on JavaScript calculations. It's a separate challenge altogether.

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