Hidden Document Scroll Offset

When CSS is used to hide scrollbar

html, body {
  width: 100%;
  overflow-x: hidden

The above code snippet removes the scroll from the window but triggers it on the body element. To calculate the scroll values in such cases, you can use:

 pageOffset =  (window.pageYOffset && { X: window.pageXOffset, Y: window.pageYOffset }) || {},
 dElementOffset = (dE && { X: dE.scrollLeft, Y: dE.scrollTop }) || {},
 dBodyOffset = (dB && { X: dB.scrollLeft, Y: dB.scrollTop }) || {};

[db stands for document.body and dE stands for document.documentElement]

If none of the above code snippets give the desired number of pixels scrolled, you can try finding a solution by visiting this link: http://jsbin.com/zayem/1/edit?html,css,js,console,output. You may need to load it in a separate HTML file, although the provided link is just for reference.

Answer №1

has been effective for me in my tests.

I have also noticed that there is a delay in resizing the columns.

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