"Encountering issues with updating the .css file while debugging in ASP.NET MVC 2, changes

I've been working on an MVC 2 Project and ran into an issue. I made changes to the attributes of an id in the Site.css file, specifically changing the color from White to Red. However, when I run the application, the changes are not reflected on the view. I've tried clearing the cache in IE and pressing F5, but it's not working. It's a simple issue, but I would appreciate any help. Below is the code snippet:


master page

<div id="logindisplay">
        <%: Html.ActionLink("Log in","Login","Accountnew") %>
          <%--  <%: Html.ActionLink("Login","Create","User") %>--%>

Answer №1

To ensure proper styling, make sure your Site.css file is loaded after all other CSS files. This will reduce the chance of properties being overridden. Additionally, avoid using specific colors like red in your CSS properties. Instead, utilize HTML color codes such as:


Lastly, remember to apply the color to your link element directly, rather than the surrounding div.

For example:

#logindisplay a{
color : #FF0000;

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