Django: Struggling with static files and navigating paths for CSS rendering

Sorry to ask, but I'm struggling with a problem and could use some help:

My project directory has the following structure (there are more directories, but for now let's focus on these):


The file we need to work on is simple-sidebar.html, here's a snippet of its contents:

{% load staticfiles %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<meta charset="utf-8>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="author" content="">

<title>Starter Template for Bootstrap</title>

<!-- Bootstrap core CSS -->
<link href="{% static "css/bootstrap.css" %}" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Add custom CSS here -->
<link href="{% static "css/simple-sidebar.css" %}" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{% static "font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" %}" rel="stylesheet">


I can't seem to get my static template tags working, and I think it's because I'm not sure how to configure my static settings in

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, '..', 'static')

STATIC_URL = '/static/'

STATICFILES_DIRS = ()    <--- uncertain if I need this?


By the way, do you have any suggestions on how to handle this without using the {% static %} tag? I'm unsure about how to format my style sheets' href.

Answer №1

To improve the performance of your application, consider eliminating the periods from the STATIC_ROOT declaration. For example:

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'static')

If you need to include additional folders in your application, use STATICFILES_DIRS. Running ./ collectstatic will gather all files from these directories and place them in the static folder specified by STATIC_ROOT.

To manually map your files without using the static tag, ensure to provide the full file path like


Furthermore, when DEBUG = True, remember to add your static and media URLs to to establish a valid path. Here's an example:

from django.conf import settings

# ... define your regular urlpatterns here

if settings.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns += patterns('',
        (r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {
        'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),
        (r'^static/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {
        'document_root': settings.STATIC_ROOT}))

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