Is there a way to adjust the brightness of specific sections within an image using html, css, and js?

I am working on a project where I have an image with tags underneath that correspond to different parts of the image. For example, if the image is of a dog, one of the tags could be 'nose', indicating the portion of the image around the dog's nose. What I want to achieve is that when a user hovers over a tag, the brightness around the corresponding part of the image should increase. Can anyone guide me on how to accomplish this?

function highlightTag(c) {
  var x_coor = document.getElementById('x').textContent;
  var y_coor = document.getElementById('y').textContent;

  var x2_coor = document.getElementById('x2').textContent;
  var y2_coor = document.getElementById('y2').textContent;

  var width = document.getElementById('w').textContent;
  var height = document.getElementById('h').textContent;

  var tag = document.createElement('input');
  tag.setAttribute('type', 'text');
  tag.setAttribute('name', 'loc:' + round_2_decimals(x_coor) + "-" + round_2_decimals(y_coor) + "-" +
    round_2_decimals(x2_coor) + "-" + round_2_decimals(y2_coor) + "-" + round_2_decimals(width) +
    "-" + round_2_decimals(height));

   * Need help here: How can I add a mouseover function to increase the brightness 
   * of the image when hovering over the tag?
  tag.onmouseover = function() {};

  var br = document.createElement('br');
  var button_div = document.getElementById('highlight_tag_area');
  <p id='x'></p>
  <p id='y'></p>
  <p id='x2'></p>
  <p id='y2'></p>
  <p id='w'></p>
  <p id='h'></p>
  <button id='highlight_tag' onclick="highlightTag()">Highlight Tag Here</button>

<form action="" method="POST" id="canvas">
  <div id='img_area'>
    <img src="someImageFile.jpg" id="imageId" width="350" height="350" />
  <div id='tag_area'>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Tag" id='input'>
  <div id='highlight_tag_area'></div>

Answer №1

While Canvas and SVG are considered more powerful, you can achieve a similar effect using CSS to clip a circle and adjust the opacity to dim the original image. It's important to verify the browser support for these techniques to ensure compatibility across different browsers.

div.holder {
  position: relative;

img.main {
  opacity: .4;
} {
    position: absolute;
    clip-path: circle(50px at 405px 135px);
<div class="holder">
  <img class="circle" src="" />
  <img class="main" src="" />

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