What is the best way to ensure a DIV fills the entire page without using "position: absolute;"?

I am currently working on designing a webpage layout with multiple headers, main content, and a footer.

My goal is to use the jQuery UI tabs widget in the main content area with a border around it. The div should span the entire space between the headers and footer, while also expanding vertically if necessary, causing a scrollbar to appear for scrolling.

The minimum height of the content div should be the distance between the header and footer, but it should have the ability to expand beyond that initial size.

I have attempted to implement the Sticky Footer method, which works well except that I want a border around my main content. In the provided jsFiddle example, the div with the red 2px border should initially fill the page and expand when additional content is added so that the footer is pushed down accordingly and a scrollbar appears.

This is my desired outcome:

  • The content must have a border.
  • The initial content should fill the space between the header and footer.
  • The content should expand past the bottom of the screen, triggering a scrollbar.
  • The footer should adjust as the content grows.
  • Strictly CSS is preferred so that any changes in content are automatically adjusted.
  • Solution should work in modern browsers only, without support for IE<8.

I have explored options such as absolute positioning, jQuery positioning, setting heights using CSS properties, and reviewing similar Stack Overflow questions, but none fully address the issue of content growing beyond the bottom of the screen efficiently.

Answer №1

Check out my solution at http://jsfiddle.net/Dkjyp/8/

Due to the variable height of the window, I utilized percentages exclusively, combined with absolute positioning.

.bar { overflow-y:scroll; position:absolute; left:0; top:10%;
width:100%; height:85%; }
.footer{ background:#ffc; position:absolute; bottom:0;}

To address the issue of long content, I implemented a container for the main section that displays a scrollbar when necessary. Unfortunately, using percentage-based heights prevents me from adding borders as it requires pixel values, which interferes with the layout.

Answer №2

One way to ensure your content container is the right height is to measure the distance between the header and footer elements and set the minimum height of the container to that value in pixels.

For example, if the distance is 600px, you can set:


By setting the min-height, the container will always be at least 600px tall. If the content exceeds this height, the container will elongate to fit the additional content using the height:100% property.

To easily measure distances onscreen, you can use tools like the "Measure It" browser extension for Chrome or Firefox.

I hope this explanation helps! You can also check out a working example on jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/Atjxc/11/

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