Trouble Viewing Image File

I am facing an issue where I cannot upload an image file from my computer onto my HTML file, as it is not showing up in the browser. However, when I link an image file from the web, it works perfectly fine. I have double-checked the file path and ensured that the extensions are correct. Could there be something wrong with the file itself? Click here to view the code in question.

Answer №1

The image you provided shows that you are using an absolute filepath in the src attribute instead of a relative one. It's important to use relative paths, especially if the file is located in the same folder as the HTML and not in a specific user folder or operating system.

To resolve this issue, I will provide an example below.

Directory Structure:

  • website
    • index.html
    • images
      • myimage.jpg

Reference Example:

To reference myimage.jpg with a relative path, you should use images/myimage.jpg in the src attribute. The current way you are doing it, website/images/myimage.jpg, may cause issues for other users who have their website structured differently, such as having it in a folder named website2.

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