Is there a way to resize a photo that I want to upload?

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I'm having trouble with the image on the Spanish site showing up correctly. I want it to look like the image on the English site's front page.

Even after resizing the image, it's still not looking good on the Spanish site. Here's the CSS code I've been using:

   .page-id-553 #content


Could the image size be the problem? I've tried reducing it, but it's not improving the look. Can you help me figure this out?

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

After reviewing your website, I noticed a CSS change that needs to be addressed.

On the page , you have implemented the following code:

background-image: url(;

for the body tag.

However, on the page

.page-id-553 #content

Please remove the code within .page-id-553 #content{ } and replace it with:

body {
  background-image: url("/wp-content/themes/reliance/images/ccc.jpg");

If you wish to have a background for this specific page, you can try: {
  background-image: url("/wp-content/themes/reliance/images/ccc.jpg");

Answer №2

Greetings on your visit to SO. In future inquiries, it would greatly benefit us if you could provide more specific details about your needs. Additionally, sharing the methods you have already tried could assist in pinpointing the issue.

Based on the information provided, implementing the following CSS code within the .page-id-553 #content class/id in the console should achieve the desired outcome:

background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center center;

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