Controlling the order of class specification prioritization

I have a situation with DOM elements that possess both the foo and bar classes:

<div class="foo bar">...</div>

I am looking to manage the priority between them. Referring to the W3C specification on this matter, I considered that appending additional selectors to the CSS could elevate the priority. For example, if I preferred foo to take precedence over bar, my idea was to introduce a dummy class like so:

.foo, .dummy{


Will this approach be effective? Is there an alternative method to achieve this goal? I understand that using !important can influence specific attributes, but I am seeking a more comprehensive solution for controlling the priority of the entire class specification.

Answer №1

If you define a rule for the .bar class first and then for the .foo class, the styles specified in the .foo class will take precedence over those in the .bar class.

For instance:

.bar {
    color: red;

.foo {
    color: blue;

In this case, the text color of the div element will be blue.

Although your idea will work, it is important to remember to add the dummy class to the div element so that the CSS selector can properly target it.

For example:

<div class="foo bar dummy">...</div>

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