Invoke a function using the output of a different function

There is a function whose name is stored in the value of another function, and I need to invoke this function using the other one.

The function I need to call is popup()

random() = 'popup()'

if ($.cookie('optin-page')) {


I attempted:

if ($.cookie('optin-page')) {

Answer №1

It is not allowed to set a value to the result of calling a function. The left side of an equation using = cannot include parentheses (). (In other words, the initial line of your code contains an error).

If you wish to invoke a global function matching the output of a function named random, you can do so like this:


However, in situations like these, it is advisable to store those functions in an object and then call them as its methods:

var bar = { 
    x: function () { 
        alert('For example'); 
function selector() { 
    return "x";

Answer №2

Instead of simply calling whatever string you receive, it might be more beneficial to use a switch statement or something similar.

var functionToCall = random();

case 'popup()':
case 'function2()':
    // throw an error INVALID FUNCTION CALLED

By doing this, you can implement error handling in your code.

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