Ensuring complete height and width with no scrollbar in a Material UI React application

I'm attempting to create a page that fills the entire height of the screen without adding an undesirable scrollbar. When I say 100% height, I mean it should just fit the size of the screen.

Here is a demonstration of the issue. The yellow highlighted area represents the unwanted added height, and there is also a horizontal scrollbar present:


Below is the code snippet for rendering the page:

return (
        <Box display='flex' flex='1' justifyContent='space-around'>
            <DateRange fromDate={fromDate} toDate={toDate} onChange={this.onDateChange}/>

        <Box height='100%' border='1px solid red' marginTop='50px'>
            <Graph instructions={this.getInstructions()} apiData={this.apiData} />

The following CSS is used in index.css:

html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

html, body, #root {
  padding: 0px !important;;
  margin: 0px !important;;
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100vw;

*, *:before, *:after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

body {
  font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen",
    "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue",
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

code {
  font-family: source-code-pro, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Courier New",

Any suggestions on how to eliminate the extra height and width, and ensure the red-bordered container fills the full height?

EDIT: I followed @gowatham's suggestion but didn't achieve the desired outcome. Here's what I got:


HTML: https://pastebin.com/Qu2RFHe7 CSS: https://pastebin.com/1z3Zg5rv


Answer №1

To achieve a responsive layout where the main container takes up 100% of the viewport height and displays its children in a column direction using flexbox, you can set the result container to take up the remaining space by applying flex: 1. Additionally, you can make the content inside this container scrollable by setting overflow: auto.

An advantage of this method is that it allows the filter container to have variable heights and still function correctly.

<Box height="100vh" display="flex" flexDirection="column">
  <Box flex={1} overflow="auto">
    {Array.from(Array(100)).map((v, i) => (
      <div key={i}>Testing {i}</div>


Another solution, which may work in older browsers, involves setting the filter container to position: fixed and ensuring that the element following it has enough margin-top or padding-top to prevent its content from overlapping when scrolled to the top.

<Box marginTop="60px">
  {Array.from(Array(100)).map((v, i) => (
    <div key={i}>Testing {i}</div>


Answer №2

Mastering CSS styling may seem daunting at first, but once you have a solid plan for your page layout, it becomes much more straightforward.

An effective approach is to allocate 90% of the height to the body and reserve the remaining 10% for the filter box above. This ensures that the total height remains constant at 100%, unless modifications to the layout are desired. Here's an example:

return (
  <div style={{ height: '90vh', margin: 0, padding: 0 }}>
    <Box display='flex' flex='1' justifyContent='space-around' style={{ height: '10vh' }}>
        <DateRange fromDate={fromDate} toDate={toDate} onChange={this.onDateChange}/>

    <Box style={{ maxHeight: "100%", overflow: "auto" }}>
        <Graph instructions={this.getInstructions()} apiData={this.apiData} />

If a 1px border causes the height to exceed 100% resulting in a scrollbar, simply add overflow: hidden to the parent div to hide the scrollbar. Explore this concept further on CodeSandbox:


Answer №3

To find the difference in height between box1 and box2, follow these steps:

Set a reference to box1:
ref={(ref) => this.box1 = ref}

In box2, adjust the height using the calculated value:

height={`calc(100% - ${this.box1.clientHeight}px)`}

Here's an example implementation:

return (
        <Box display='flex' flex='1' justifyContent='space-around' ref={(ref) => this.box1 = ref}>
            <DateRange fromDate={fromDate} toDate={toDate} onChange={this.onDateChange}/>

        <Box height={`calc(100% - ${this.box1.clientHeight}px)`} border='1px solid red' marginTop='50px'>
            <Graph instructions={this.getInstructions()} apiData={this.apiData} />

Answer №4

Make sure to implement Flex for the Parent element as well

<div display='flex' flex='1' height='100%' justifyContent='space-between'> //consider using flex direction column in accordance with your library     
        <Box display='flex' flex='1' justifyContent='space-around'>
            <DateRange fromDate={fromDate} toDate={toDate} onChange= 
            <Graph instructions={this.getInstructions()} apiData={this.apiData} />

Answer №5

Instead of using height: 100% in the parent element, opt for height: '100vh' in CSS. When using 100%, it will only take up to the maximum height of all content and won't enlarge further. On the other hand, 100vh represents the vertical height of the entire window. Don't forget to check the overflow-y property as well.

Answer №6

I adjusted the heights of the navigation division to 15vh, the following division to 20vh, and the last division to 65vh, totaling 100 vh, which is the height of the device. Feel free to customize these heights as needed. In the desktop view, there is no scrollbar present.

Check out the responsive design on my CodePen page. (I used the code provided in pastebin link shared) https://i.stack.imgur.com/Rky4d.png

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