Set the style of the mat-select element

I'm having an issue with my select option in Angular Material. The options look fine, but when I select one, the strong tag disappears. Can anyone help me style only that part? Thank you in advance.

<mat-select formControlName="projectId" placeholder="project" [disabled]="enableList">
                <mat-option *ngFor="let projects of arrayProjects" [value]="projects.nameProject" (click)="projectSelected(projects)">
                  {{projects.nameProject}} &nbsp; - <strong> {{}} </strong> - &nbsp; {{projects.PEP | pepFormat}}

img 1 img 2

Answer №1

To customize the appearance of the template within a select box when an option is selected, you can utilize the mat-select-trigger directive.

<mat-select #projectSelect formControlName="projectId" placeholder="project" [disabled]="enableList">
    {{projectSelect.value.nameProject}} &nbsp; - <strong> {{}} </strong> - &nbsp; {{projectSelect.value.PEP | pepFormat}}
  <mat-option *ngFor="let projects of arrayProjects" [value]="projects.nameProject" (click)="projectSelected(projects)">
    {{projects.nameProject}} &nbsp; - <strong> {{}} </strong> - &nbsp; {{projects.PEP | pepFormat}}

It's worth noting that I have used a template reference to access the select component value. Alternatively, you could use the formControl to retrieve the value instead of the template reference. If you prefer this approach, kindly include the relevant TS code in your response.

Check out the demo here!

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