Recurrence of the Chosen Headers

After discovering the new website, I've started to question my approach to constructing stylesheets. One method I have recently used is as follows:

/* Fonts */    
h1 { font-size:20px }
p  { font-size:12px }

/* Colors */
h1 { color:green }
p  { color:grey;
     background-color:white }

/* Margins */
h1 { margin:0 }
p  { margin:0 0 5px }

The issue pointed out by the linter is that I am constantly re-declaring heading selectors. This is intentional for maintaining logical separation between different types of rules. If I want to change colors, I go to the colors section. If I want to adjust dimensions, I refer to the dimensional areas.

Does CSSLint fear that I might accidentally overwrite styles, wasting characters, or are there performance concerns related to the number of blocks contributing to the overall presentation of heading elements?

Is this practice considered bad, or is it just a false alarm?

Answer №1

When it comes to CSS, styles are calculated for all h1 tags and all p tags regardless. The extra work of matching selectors is minimal compared to the insignificant impact on performance caused by computing and displaying the styles.

I believe that what concerns CSS Lint is precisely this scenario. Personally, I appreciate how you structure your styles, and don't see any issues other than potential accidental declaration overwrites.

Answer №2

According to the information provided -

It is recommended for heading elements to maintain a consistent appearance throughout a website.

I believe this guideline focuses more on enhancing usability and maintaining consistency rather than performance. Having headings of different sizes, such as 20px on one page and 14px on another, can give off an unprofessional look.

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