Top-notch loading icon using jquery

Recently, I embarked on the journey of learning Javascript and jQuery simultaneously, and to my surprise, it feels quite manageable.

As I delve deeper into creating functions, I am currently working on displaying a loading image. While I initially used one from , I now desire something more dynamic - perhaps an image that changes with each load...

On another note, there is an issue where my loading image sometimes appears beneath other elements without any apparent reason. I am determined to unravel this mystery and make sure it doesn't happen again. Any insights or tips would be greatly appreciated!

Below you can see my current setup:

<img id="loading" src="loading.gif" />
function load(){

Answer №1

I found this concept very intriguing and have implemented it in my own projects! Here's how I went about doing it:

Feel free to customize this to suit your preferences, as there are plenty of ways to enhance the aesthetics. However, here is a simple configuration you can start with.


    z-index: 1001;  // The higher the value, the more it will be displayed on top. I chose 1001 because I typically don't exceed z-indexes of 1000, but it may vary for you.


<div class="preloader">
    <img src="images/preloaders/1.png" /> <!-- You can customize the size of the preloader image and apply styles to cover the entire page for a 'modal' effect -->

Javascript (jQuery) :

var MAX_PRELOADERS = 5; // How many unique preloaders do you have? Ensure they are named appropriately: 1.png , 2.png ... 5.png (in the correct folder)

function showHidePreloader(){ 
    $(".preloader img").fadeToggle();

function changePreloader(){
    var new_preloader = Math.round(Math.random() * MAX_PRELOADERS) + 1; 
    $(".preloader img").attr("src","images/preloaders/"+new_preloader+".png"); // Adjust the path and extension if necessary

By the way, I use this site for preloaders: I highly recommend checking it out as it offers superior options compared to what you currently have. Simply call the changePreloader() function when you want to switch preloaders, and you already know how to use the first function :)

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