Effortlessly adjust item width in CSS Grid

I am currently utilizing CSS Grid to showcase various tags. If a tag happens to be quite large, with a width exceeding 150px, I would ideally like that specific item to expand across multiple columns as necessary. For instance, in the visual representation, I envision the red tag extending into two columns so that the text remains on a single line.

Is there a way to achieve this effect without assigning a dedicated class to the target element? Given that I am iterating through an array in React to create each of these divs, it seems impractical to apply a class solely to that element.



<div className={styles.container}>                      
    {tags.map(tag => {                              
      return <TagBlock tag={tag} />               


.container {                                                              
   margin: 30px auto;                                                      
   width: 90%;                                                           
   display: grid;                                                        
   grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(150px, auto));        
   grid-gap: 20px;                                                       

Answer №1

To increase column width gradually using CSS only, you may need to implement a JS logic to determine the number of columns your element should span. In such cases, you can either explicitly style the "wide" column like this:

grid-column: span X;

where X represents the number of columns your element should occupy.

  1. Alternatively, you can use predefined classes (e.g., col-1, col-2) similar to Bootstrap and apply them accordingly.

If the column width is variable, consider using flexbox with wrapping. For example:

.container {
   margin: 30px auto;
   width: 90%;                                                           
   /*additional properties below*/
   display: flex;                                                        
   flex-wrap: wrap;
   align-content: flex-start;
/*TagBlock base style that grid generates on its own*/
TagBlock {
  margin: 25px;
  min-height: 120px;
  min-width: 120px;

I hope this provides some guidance for your implementation.

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