Collapsing borders in JavaFX 8

Hey there! I'm having a little issue with JavaFX 8 components. I'm trying to make them sit next to each other with borders, but it's not quite working out. Is there a way to make them blend together and share one border?

import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Parent;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;

public class SettingsList {

    private VBox root;

    private String[] settingsList = new String[]{"set1", "set2", "set3"};

    public SettingsList(){


    public Parent getControl(){
        root = new VBox();
        for(String settingName: settingsList){
            Label settingLabel = new Label(settingName);

        return root;

Answer №1

As far as I know, there is no built-in equivalent to border-collapse. You can handle the first one separately:

boolean isFirst = true ; 
for(String itemName: itemList){
    Label itemLabel = new Label(itemName);
    if (isFirst) {
    isFirst = false ;

Then, in the CSS file:

.item-label {
    -fx-label-padding: 10 ;
    -fx-border-color: black ;
    -fx-border-width: 0 1 1 1 ;
.item-label.first-item {
    -fx-border-width: 1 ;

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