How to Change the Appearance of Elements in an Array Using React.js

My situation involves an array receiving data from an API, and I'm looking to customize each button's appearance by giving them different background colors. In addition, my project includes Material UI... Below is the snippet of code I have -

{, id) => (
 <Button className='p-3 md:w-[25wh] md:h-[25vh]' onClick={handleClickAnswer} fullWidth variant="contained">{decode(data)}</Button>

I need guidance on how to style these buttons uniquely

Answer №1

There are various methods to apply distinct styles to different buttons. One common approach is utilizing string literals.

For instance,

  1. If your project utilizes bootstrap or tailwind for styling, you can do something like this:

{, id) => (
       className=`p-${id} md:w-[25wh] md:h-[25vh]` 

Note that p-${id} will be adjusted for each item in the array

  1. Even without using bootstrap, you can adopt the same technique by defining custom classNames for individual button styles.
  2. If you want to apply a specific style to the first/last element, you can utilize the first child selector or last child selector.

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