How to obtain the height of the parent screen using an iframe

Imagine a scenario where a div contains an image that is set to perfectly fit the height of the screen.

This setup works flawlessly, with one exception - when placed within an iframe, the height of the div adjusts to match the content's height rather than the actual screen height.

Is there a way to make the div inside the iframe recognize and adjust to the real screen height or its parent's screen height?

Alternatively, could a script be written to detect the true screen height and simulate it as the screen height for elements within the iframe, all without directly modifying the iframe itself?

Answer №1

Running a script in the parent container that calls a function in the iframe and sends a reference to itself with the call allows for control of the parent by the iframe, including accessing properties like window.height.

This functionality is only possible if both the parent and child sites are on the same domain. Even running scripts from your local disk without a webserver may not enable this feature!

For more information, check out Invoking JavaScript code in an iframe from the parent page.

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