Adjusting an image size using JQuery after resizing a canvas will only resize the image itself, not

How can I resize an image within a canvas using JQuery in a way that only the image is resized, not the entire canvas?

function resizeImage(width, height){
    var image = document.getElementById('resizeImage'),
    canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
    ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    ctx.drawImage(image,cropLeft, cropTop, cropWidth, cropHeight,10,10,width,height);

    return canvas;

The above function resizes the image but includes extra canvas in the result;

Is there a simple JQuery or HTML solution to resize the image with fixed height and width without affecting the canvas?

Answer №1

Give this a try

function adjustImageSize(newWidth, newHeight){
    var img = document.getElementById('resizedImg'),
    canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
    requestContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
    requestContext.canvas.height = newHeight;//set height
    requestContext.canvas.width = newWidth;//set width
    requestContext.drawImage(img,cropLeft, cropTop, cropWidth, cropHeight,10,10,newWidth,newHeight);
    return canvas;

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