When the div is clicked, it changes color and then reverts back to its original color when another

I have encountered an issue where I need to differentiate the div I clicked on in order to avoid confusion, as the pop-up menu on my website will be identical with different links but the same buttons. I have been struggling to find a solution for quite some time now. It is important to note that my site is built on Wordpress. The color of the text is not significant at the moment. Although my code functions properly, I am looking to implement a feature whereby clicking on "juicyplants" changes the color, and then when I click on "leafyplant", the color changes back while "juicyplants" returns to its normal state. By changing colors, I mean altering the existing color schemes. Below is my current code:


<div id="clickOne" class="clickDesign">
<h2 class="fs20 nobold">Leafy Plants</h2>
<div  id="clickTwo" class="clickDesign">
<h2 class="fs20 nobold">Juicy Plants</h2>
<div id="leafyPlants">
Leafy Test
<div id="juicyPlants">
Juicy Test




h2 {


  $("#clickOne").on('click', function() {
$("#clickTwo").on('click', function() {

Answer №1

It's advisable to change classes and apply styling:

Check out the jsfiddle demo: http://jsfiddle.net/TrueBlueAussie/Pcn5a/2/#update

$(function () {
    $("#clickOne").on('click', function () {
    $("#clickTwo").on('click', function () {

For styling, include the following in your CSS:

    color: green;

Consider data-driven menu systems for more efficient code:

JSFiddle link: http://jsfiddle.net/TrueBlueAussie/Pcn5a/3/

JQuery example:

$(function () {
    $('.clickDesign').on('click', function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        // Utilize the id stored in data-target attribute
        $target = $($this.data('target'));

Html (includes data-target attributes)

    <div id="clickOne" class="clickDesign" data-target="#leafyPlants">
         <h2 class="fs20 nobold">Leafy Plants</h2>

    <div id="clickTwo" class="clickDesign" data-target="#juicyPlants">
         <h2 class="fs20 nobold">Juicy Plants</h2>

<div id="leafyPlants" class="target">Leafy Test</div>
<div id="juicyPlants" class="target">Juicy Test</div>

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