Do css classes consistently provide a solution to issues with style overrides?

Would it be more beneficial to utilize css .class instead of #id to avoid issues with style overriding and importance?

#content ul li a {font-size:10px}

#content .demo ul li a {font-size:15px}

Answer №1

In web development, the id attribute is meant to uniquely identify a single element, whereas the class attribute can be applied to multiple elements.

For more information on the differences between id and class, check out this helpful resource: Id vs Class

Answer №2

When it comes to CSS rules, a class does not always override an ID. In the case of conflicting rules for the same element, the browser calculates a score based on the specificity of each rule. Points are awarded to each part of the rule, and the rule with the highest total points is applied.

  • HTML selectors (div, p, etc) are awarded +1 point
  • Class selectors (.class) are awarded +10 points
  • ID selectors (#id) are awarded +100 points

For example:

#content ul li a {font-size:10px} = 100 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 103
#content .demo ul li a {font-size:15px} = 100 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 113

I hope that explanation clarifies things for you.

Answer №3

In my opinion, IDs should only be utilized for elements that require unique identification for JavaScript functionality.

While IDs may have greater specificity in CSS calculations, this alone is not a sufficient reason to rely on them.

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