Are there any user interface frameworks available that can replicate the aesthetic of a Mac application?

I've been searching high and low but I haven't come across any answers yet. It caught my attention that the wunderlist mac app was developed using HTML/CSS/JS, but I'm curious if they incorporated a pre-existing UI JavaScript framework into their design.

Appreciate any insights!

Answer â„–1

The developers of Wunderlist chose to utilize the Titanium framework for its creation, which provides a powerful toolset for building cross-platform apps ().

Titanium's capabilities extend to developing applications that can seamlessly run on Windows, Mac, mobile devices, and beyond.

One notable feature of Titanium is its inclusion of Mac-like UI controls, giving apps created with it a familiar aesthetic.


To learn more about Titanium Desktop development, visit:

Thanks to Titanium, creating apps that match the visual style of different operating systems is made easier—Vista apps look like Vista apps, XP apps resemble XP apps, and Mac OS X apps appear fully native.

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