Creating an engaging layout with Bootstrap 3: Utilizing grid systems for video integration

I am facing an issue with resizing multiple videos within a Bootstrap grid. The problem is that the column size increases, but the video itself does not resize accordingly.

In my CSS file, I have set the width and height of the gif-video class to 300 for a grid format display.

Here is an image illustrating the problem.

When I change the width and height of the gif-video class to 100%, the size appears correct but there are empty spaces as if the div was pushed down.

Check out this image showcasing the issue.

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 thumb">
                <video class="gif-video" autoplay loop poster="<%= title %>.jpg">     
                    <source src=<%= gif.webmurl %> type="video/webm">
                    <source src=<%= gif.mp4url %> type="video/mp4">

Answer №1

Ensure to set both max-height and max-width for the div element, as some videos may need to be slightly enlarged and have additional padding on the right or bottom.

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