Encountered an error in React where the declaration file for a module could not be located

New to Typescript and trying to incorporate a splitter into my project. I'm utilizing SplitPane from "react-split-pane/lib/SplitPane" and Pane from "react-split-pane/lib/Pane" in my Typescript project, but encountering an error:

Could not find a declaration file for module 'react-split-pane/lib/Pane'. 'C:/.../node_modules/react-split-pane/lib/Pane.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
  Try `npm i --save-dev @types/react-split-pane` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'react-split-pane/lib/Pane';`ts(7016)

Although it is functioning correctly without any issues, the error persists. The recommendation to try '@types/react-split-pane' is no longer viable as the package has been deprecated.

As mentioned in comments, I imported it as follows:

import SplitPane from "react-split-pane/lib/SplitPane";

import Pane from "react-split-pane/lib/Pane";

Any suggestions on how to resolve this error?

English is not my native language so there may be mistakes present.

Here is a link to my splitpane module:


Answer №1

My approach to importing it is like this: import SplitPane from react-split-pane/lib/SplitPane; import Pane from react-split-pane/lib/Pane;

It's important to never delve into the directory structure of libraries for imports unless explicitly instructed in the documentation.

As per the index file of the library found here, the correct way to import the values is different. The library exports as follows:

export default SplitPane;
export { Pane };

This means that you should actually import these two values like so:

import SplitPane, { Pane } from 'react-split-pane'

Check out a live demo in this TypeScript Playground.

You can also see this setup in action in this code sandbox project:

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