Creating responsive modal windows in Vue and Laravel to dynamically adjust to the screen size

I am currently working with a modal window code snippet.

<transition name="modal" @close="showModal = false">
        <div class="modal-mask" style="  width: 90% !important;">
            <div class="modal-wrapper">
                <div class="modal-container">
                    <div class="modal-header">
                        <slot name="header">
                            Enter your message here
                    <div class="modal-body">
                        <slot name="body">
                            <textarea rows="10" cols="45" v-model="MessageText" name="MessageText"</textarea>                            

When viewed on small screens like phones, the content extends beyond the screen. How can I make it responsive to fit the screen?


Answer №1

If you want to adjust the size of a modal, you can use the following code:

class="modal-dialog modal-lg"

This should help resize the modal properly. Just make sure to remove any width specifications.

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