Displaying limited items based on conditions in CSS

If there are 10 <p> tags, is it possible to limit them to only 5 by hiding the other 5 using CSS? Do I need to add a class five times with nth-child? Can CSS accommodate conditions for this purpose? Considering that the number of <p> tags is dynamic and can be 20, 30, or even 100.

Answer №1

If you want to hide certain p elements, you can utilize the nth-child(n+x) selector in this way:

p:nth-child(n+6) {

Check out this example on a JSFiddle, where all elements starting from the 6th are colored red.

The expression n+6 represents the formula an+b (refer to the specs and MDN). In this case, it simplifies to:


This translates to values like 6,7... for different iterations of n. By adjusting the value of b, we can create intervals like:


Now, for different values of n, such as 0,1, the sequence will be 6,8,10, etc., targeting every other p tag starting from the 6th one.

Answer №2

Those who are willing to explore jquery have the option to utilize: $('p:gt(5)').hide(); in order to conceal all <p> elements that come after the 5th one.

Answer №3

Just an update: Further elaborating on the solution provided.

Establish a specific range - focusing on elements between 2 and 10.


Pick out only the even elements within that range.


Choose the odd elements within the same range.


The calculation process involving the expression an+b adheres to Operator Precedence rules and always yields a value as a positive integer.

Note: It is important to remember that decimal values cannot be used in this particular formula.

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